A case study on the design and application of metaverse class space in elementary mathematics: Focusing on the affective domain

Mangoo Park1   Yunkyung Lee2   Bohwa Jeong3   Yujin Jung4   Jiyoung Kim5,*   

1Professor, Seoul National University of Education
2Teacher, Seoul Gangil Elementary School
3Teacher, Seoul Jungdae Elementary School
4Teacher, Seoul Gangdong Elementary School
5Teacher, Seoul Bukgajwa Elementary School


This study attempted to design a virtual space using ZEP, a metaverse platform, to enable mathematics classes in the metaverse space, to apply it to mathematics classes, and to find out changes in students' affective domain. As a result, students showed positive effects in terms of subject efficacy, subject interest, intrinsic motivation, class satisfaction and participation. In addition, we found the possibility of customized classes for each student level by performing different missions in classroom classes with limited time and space.

Figures & Tables

Figure 1. Three key concepts and examples of metaverse example (Song & Chung, 2021, pp.13에서 재인용)